Besides the beauty of nature and the friendly of people, Sapa is also known as the paradise North-West cuisine. The unique of food here is the reason why you definitely have to try when you come here.

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  1. Bamboo-Tube Rice:

    Bamboo-Tube Rice is a typical dish of Ethnic minorities in the North-West of Viet Nam. The mail ingredient of this dish is glutinous rice then grilled in bamboo tube, when ripe, we just need to cut off the burnt bamboo peel then eat rice inside. In Sapa, both restaurants, hotels and smal shop on the street is selling this dish. Delicious rice flavor smells like sticky rice, pure water and gentle incense of bamboo. All blended into a delicious and attractive dish.

    Bamboo-Tube Rice

  2. 7 Colors Steamed Sticky Rice :

    7- Colors Steamed Sticky Rice is a traditional cultural dish of Nung ethnic group in Sapa. The color cover by: pink, red, carrot, blue, purple, green, yellow. All of them are made from many types of natural and safe forest leaves that are completely unique. People believe that eating sticky rice on Tet holidays will bring good luck. The seven-colored sticky rice has the traditional culture. It is often eaten with black sesame salt and if there is more grilled wild meat, it is very delicious!

    Xoi Bay Mau

  3. Small Pig-Local food of Sapa:

    Sapa pork is a specialty of food in Sapa. The name “small pig” originated from the fact that local people carry black pigs sold at markets. These pigs have fragrant meat, they are free-flow and feed themselves on the mountain. This kind of food is famous in Sapa and is used to cooked by local people in the special day. Price from 100,000 to 200,000 VND / 1 kg. They are sold a lot at the markets in Sapa .

    Lon Cap Nach 30053 Heo Cap Nach

  4. Barbecue:

    The cold weather in Sapa is the good reason to enjoy barbecue. The meat mix with vegetable, fresh and hot, the taste also delicious. With the rich cuisine in Sapa, you can try many delicious and exotic dishes, but don’t forget barbecue. It is more special than you though..


  5. Sapa Peach:

    The sweet, sour, crisp flavor is a very unique taste of authentic Sapa peach. Visitors come to Sapa always impressed with the heavy peach gardens around the town. Sapa peach is one of the fruits that people often buy as gifts for relatives and friends.

    Dao Sapa (2)

  6. Thang Co:

    The victory was dubbed Sapa’s “horror specialty”. Yet many tourists expressed their love for victory. It is a specialty of the Mong ethnic, often appearing in villages and markets. The main ingredients for the dish are meat, bones, secretions and organs (including hearts, gizzards, heart, lungs, stomach and horse secretions) combined with nearly 20 herbs (cardamom, anise, cinnamon, lemongrass, ginger) and many other special spices of the Mong people. When eating, people will scoop out nuwocs to use the hot pot, slice the horse and drop it. Trying to win must definitely drink with corn wine. This will definitely be an unforgettable experience for you when coming to Sapa.


  7. Black Chicken :

    Black chicken is a special type of chicken with black skin, flesh and bones of Mong people. Fragrant black chicken, crispy, sweet skin. On average, a black chicken here weighs 1.5kg. Eating black chicken can improve your cardiovascular problems. Grilled black chicken is usually served with salt and lime pepper and mint leaves. If you do not try this dish, your Sapa travel transfer is considered not perfect. Ga 1

  8. Salmon:

    With temperate climate, salmon is successfully farmed in Sapa. Therefore, salmon is considered a delicious dish in Sapa. Different from imported salmon, the fish in Sâp is firm, beautiful pink, low in fat, high in nutritional value. Featured here are salmon salad, salmon hotpot, grilled salmon, … Gradually, Sapa salmon is a luxurious dish to treat guests hereFoody Mobile 407 Jpg 655 635780177019175006

  9. Khau nhuc

    The delicious dishes in Sapa can not fail to mention. Stubborn listening to the name seems strange, it is a dish that is quite similar to the meat but is processed more specifically in Sapa. Making a standard humiliation stitch, the cook must stew soft meat half a day, until it feels like it dissolves in the mouth. The dish is originally from Chinese people and appears most of the northern mountains. Three only pork, basil, five spices, garlic, chilli, vinegar, wine, monosodium glutamate, pepper, … are essential ingredients of the dish. Along with Sapa grilled fish, the humiliation is also a dish usually served with rice.Mon Khau Nhuc Min

  10. Cai meo Vegetable

    Along with Sapa small pork, steamed sticky rice, apple cider wine, … cabbage vegetables attract tourists by the simple, delicious. Curly cabbage leaves, green, crispy, chewy and bitter in the tip of the tongue but nearly will see the sweet taste. Stir fry cat with winter fat, slightly pungent of fresh ginger is the dish you should try when coming to Sapa. Processing cat cabbage, housewives are not allowed to use cutlery but have to use their hands to turn vegetables into sections to keep themNgaynaythuongthucdacsansachhiemcoraucaimeosapa1

  11. River Fish

    River fried fish is also one of the most unforgettable dishes. Stream fish size 2-3 finger, usually green. In particular, Sapa fish springs have no fishy taste, so many fish bones are often processed by fried method to eat both bone and meat. Fleshy fish, thin frayed scales, fragrant and sweet meat, the bones are crispy, People often eat fish sauce lemon chili and boiled mustard. Just add a stream of fish, the Muong meal has become irresistibly attractive.Ca Suoi Sapa